Simplify Writing In Any Industry With AI

Simplify Writing In Any Industry With AI

Generative AI, with its ability to produce human-like text, has undoubtedly piqued the interest of writers across many fields. Marketers, social media creators, journalists, and more are thrilled by AI’s potential to lighten their workload and preserve mental bandwidth. But the capacity of AI extends beyond these fields—it can simplify writing in nearly every industry, even those not primarily associated with the written word.

Surprising professions that can harness AI to simplify writing

Even if you don’t have a background in writing or composing written content isn’t your biggest strength, you might still need to generate compelling and readable content to achieve your objectives. AI-powered writing tools like Quillbee could be the solution you’ve been searching for.


eCommerce is an involved industry that includes marketing, customer support, fulfillment, and, of course, writing. Product descriptions, blogs, social media posts, and newsletters bridge the gap between casual shoppers and loyal customers by highlighting your products’ features and benefits. But this content may not be a priority when you’re overwhelmed with tasks.

That’s where AI comes in and simplifies writing. Take Talkoot, for instance: an AI writing software specifically designed for eCommerce. This tool features niche-specific programs, from fashion to furniture, to produce targeted product content. You can even build your own custom AI program through Talkoot, which learns your specific brand voice and products.

With AI tools like Talkoot, you can focus on other aspects of your business, such as customer interactions, sales, or product development, while ensuring that your website provides accurate and enticing information to potential customers.

Real estate

Real estate agents are among the busiest professionals. Amid the whirlwind of market research, property showings, and closing deals, it’s hard to find time to write engaging property listings. AI, however, offers a helping hand by generating property descriptions and neighborhood highlights, making it easier for agents to create compelling content. is a great example. Marketed as an “AI-powered website designed specifically for real estate agents,” this software assists with everything from MLS descriptions to social media posts for real estate brokers. even offers contract analysis and translation services, so agents can market to buyers from across the globe.

Does one of your listings have a spacious backyard? Gourmet kitchen? Stunning views? Potential buyers want to know these things before scheduling a showing, and AI tools simplify writing and help compose alluring copy that highlights what makes a house a home.

Travel and tourism

Post-pandemic, the tourism industry is booming again. But the rise of inflation means travelers want to do meticulous research before spending their hard-earned money on unfamiliar destinations. Travel agents, hotels, Airbnb hosts, and bloggers must make these locations sound unbeatable, but not everyone in the industry is a skilled writer.

Generative AI is an intuitive travel companion that can create detailed itineraries with must-visit attractions, recommended restaurants, and suggested activities — bringing exotic locations to life and ensuring travelers have memorable experiences that exceed their expectations.

See for yourself with Simply enter a specific destination, and this AI tool writes a detailed, day-by-day travel itinerary incorporating the must-see sights. From there, you can add adjustments like family-friendly sites, vegetarian restaurants, and more.

With hours saved through AI-simplified writing, hospitality workers can spend more time on customer engagement — or their own vacations!


As we all know, academia requires dedication and time. It takes many, many hours to conduct research, synthesize complex ideas, and perform critical analysis — and that’s all before sitting down to write.

That’s why professors, researchers, and students can benefit from AI (check out this list of 10 AI tools for academic writing). Large language models summarize long-form content and curate sources, then use those findings to simplify writing and generate original, coherent, and well-structured content.

Abstracts, literature reviews, research papers, and more — any form of complex academic content becomes faster and easier with AI. Of course, writers must be conscious of ethics when creating original work, but tools like Quillbee have solved this by bringing your point of view to life instead of regurgitating old ideas.


Despite what TV dramas depict, the legal field requires a significant amount of writing and editing. Lawyers and other legal professionals often spend hours drafting documents and reviewing discovery before they ever step foot in court. If they’re stressed or exhausted, their results may contain errors, leading to more time spent editing.

AI can streamline the legal process, generate accurate documents, contracts, and briefs, and review copious amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take a human. AI, in this way, simplifies writing, allowing legal professionals to spend more time preparing for court appearances. CoCounsel and Briefpoint are two great examples.


Whether in-person or online, educators are known for working long hours — this is no nine-to-five job. Lesson planning, creating course content, writing project prompts, and other instructional activities often consume teachers’ free time.

AI-powered writing tools can assist in generating well-structured and engaging content that aligns with the learning objectives. Many teachers are embracing AI for a variety of helpful tasks. Programs like Gradescope offer automatic grading, while Cognii delivers personalized feedback on student assignments. Some schools are even using AI chatbots to assist in learning.

By simplifying writing with AI, educators can focus on engaging with students and let AI handle the quizzes, plans, and presentations.

Simplify writing today with Quillbee

Whether you’re a real estate broker, teacher, travel agent, or lawyer, you surely have more pressing tasks than spending hours at your keyboard. By leveraging AI to simplify writing, you’re free to focus on your core competencies and make a difference in your field.

As mentioned earlier, Quillbee is an incredible resource available right at your fingertips. Not only does Quillbee generate persuasive, compelling, and actionable content, but it also amplifies your voice in the process. Use our Content Brief tool to transform your unique experiences, expertise, and insights into engaging words.

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