Beyond Generative Writing: The Surprising Ways AI is Already Part of Your Life

Beyond Generative Writing: The Surprising Ways AI is Already Part of Your Life

AI is continuously getting smarter, faster, and more intuitive. Generative writing tools like Quillbee, ChatGPT, and Bard exemplify some of the latest advancements. Now, with the help of AI, you can compose articles, essays, and social media posts in a fraction of the time it once took. Of course, as with any life-changing technical innovation, some people have reservations about AI taking such a prominent role in our tasks.

But AI isn’t new. In fact, it’s been a part of our everyday lives for years, silently working in the background to improve our experiences and make life more efficient. Generative AI is simply the next phase of AI evolution.

Ten ways AI supports your daily endeavors (besides generative writing)

Think about the goings-on during a typical day in your life. You likely use your phone, run errands, scroll social media, respond to emails, and more. Many of these activities are supported by AI technologies like deep learning, artificial general intelligence (AGI), and object recognition. Read on to learn how generative writing only scratches the surface of AI in your day-to-day life.

1. Social media

Ever wonder why your Twitter and Instagram feeds are so addicting? It’s because of AI. Deep learning algorithms remember your preferences, making the content you see personal and engaging. For example, when you spend lots of time watching cute animal videos, AI picks up on them and shows more of them in your feed.

Platforms like Snapchat also leverage AI to create popular AR filters. AI facial recognition technology detects and tracks the user’s face to overlay augmented reality effects, from turning yourself into a cute animal to trying out different hairstyles.

AI also plays a crucial role in making our social media experiences safer by blocking spam and offensive content. With the immense amount of posts being generated and shared on social media, it’s near impossible for humans to manually filter out inappropriate content. But AI solves that by analyzing various keywords, images, and user behavior to detect and flag potentially harmful posts plus identify and remove fake accounts that spread misinformation.

2. Streaming entertainment

Similar to social media, platforms like Netflix and Spotify are harnessing the power of deep learning to enhance your streaming experiences. When trying to decide what to watch or listen to, your choices abound. The idea of combing through all that content to find something you’ll enjoy is intimidating, but AI streamlines the process.

Streaming platforms utilize AI algorithms to carefully curate your content, providing personalized recommendations for shows, movies, and songs that align with your interests. By analyzing your viewing or listening history, as well as the preferences of users with similar tastes, AI helps to ensure that you always have access to fantastic entertainment.

This personalized approach saves hours of time and effort. With AI-powered content curation, you can effortlessly discover new entertainment options that match your taste, making your streaming experience more enjoyable and tailored to your interests.

3. Email

Email is one of the most popular and frequently used communication tools today, and the experience is enhanced through AI.

Thanks to AI-powered spam filters, your inbox is protected from unwanted and potentially harmful messages. These filters learn from your email usage patterns, continuously adapting to block spam and safeguard your inbox.

But AI’s influence on email doesn’t stop there. Some email service providers use AI to improve communication and organization. Take Gmail, for instance, which has six built-in features powered by AI. Smart Compose can complete your sentences in real-time as you write, while Smart Reply generates three options for contextually-relevant replies to your emails.

If you’re a Gmail user, you may have noticed your messages are auto-sorted into different folders like “Primary,” “Social,” and “Promotions.” AI is behind this functionality, too, along with several more features for more intuitive email use.

Additionally, email providers are taking advantage of generative writing advancements to usher in new features, like Gmail’s “Help me write” and Microsoft Outlook’s “Copilot,” both of which can compose entire emails based on prompts, just like generative AI programs like ChatGPT.

4. Biometrics

Biometrics, or the analysis and recognition of people based on their physical characteristics, is another area where AI is advancing use cases in our daily lives, particularly when it comes to our smartphones.

Our devices have become our lifelines, not only enabling entertainment and communication but also storing our sensitive personal details related to banking, health, and more. Thus, security is vital.

Most flagship smartphones now come equipped with facial and fingerprint ID features, which use AI to verify the device’s owner before unlocking. By capturing a 3D map of your face and/or fingerprint, AI algorithms recognize your unique data points to compare, instantly recognize you, and unlock your phone.

Another emerging technology in AI biometrics is Apple’s Face ID Passkey. This feature goes beyond unlocking mobile phones, allowing users to use facial recognition, rather than passwords, to log into their accounts with supporting apps and websites. With so many concerns over password security, biometrics pave the way for a more secure — and convenient — future.

5. Voice assistants

“Siri, set my alarm for 8AM.”
“Hey Google, remind me about my doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”

Voice assistants are a classic example of how AI aids our daily lives. Powered by deep learning, voice recognition (another example of the biometrics discussed above), and natural language processing, voice assistants can perform various tasks on your behalf. Whether it’s searching the internet, making hands-free calls, adding an appointment to the calendar, or even controlling smart home devices, AI technology enables voice assistants to understand and respond to your commands.

This hands-free and intuitive interaction with technology is only possible because of AI innovation, and it makes our digital world more accessible and convenient.

6. Visual Searching

If you’ve ever used Google Lens or a similar visual searcher, AI is doing its job right before your eyes.

These intelligent visual search tools analyze images and use object recognition to provide you with relevant information. They’re very adept at understanding context for the most accurate results. This type of AI opens doors for discovery, able to:

  • Identify exotic plants on your afternoon walk
  • Suggest the likely breed of the dog you recently adopted
  • Scan QR codes to reveal product information
  • Translate text into your preferred language
  • Recognize popular monuments for informed travel
  • Capture contact info on a business card and populate it to your smartphone

From identifying landmarks to translating text in real-time, visual searching powered by AI enhances your ability to learn more and interact with the world around you.

7. Mobile cameras

The earliest versions of smartphone cameras were rudimentary at best, producing blurry and dark images. Today’s mobile cameras are in a new league, and that’s partly because of AI.

Object and facial recognition enable auto-focus and Portrait Mode, while image processing improves color and clarity in real-time, even when capturing at night. AI analyzes the scene and optimizes camera settings to capture the best possible photo or identify who’s speaking in a group video to eliminate ambient chatter and other background noises. Some mobile cameras even remove unwanted objects from your photos, like Google Pixel’s Magic Eraser.

With AI-powered mobile cameras, you can effortlessly capture pro-quality pictures and videos that rival those taken by professional DSLRs.

8. Online shopping

Another example of AI beyond generative writing is online shopping is more personalized and efficient through AI. You’ve probably noticed that retailers like Amazon seem to know exactly what you’re shopping for. For example, if you purchase a new vacuum cleaner, your profile may recommend filters or hose attachments.

When you visit an online store, AI algorithms analyze your browsing and purchase history to provide tailored product recommendations. These suggestions help you discover new products that align with your preferences or meet your latest needs.

Additionally, AI-infused chatbots can assist you with product inquiries, returns, or frequently asked questions, making the online shopping experience more interactive and convenient. All this without waiting for the next available (human) representative.

Thanks to AI, online shopping has become a highly personalized and efficient way to find and purchase the ideal products for you.

9. Driving

AI is your copilot during your daily commute.

Today’s AI-backed navigation systems — think Google Maps, Apple Maps, and Waze — analyze satellite imagery, user data, and more to update maps in real-time, alerting you to accidents, slowdowns, and other road conditions. They can even suggest the fastest routes based on real-time traffic data, helping you save time and avoid congestion.

If you drive a newer-model car, AI also monitors your actions — and the actions of your fellow drivers — to enhance safety. Self-parking, alerting you when another car gets too close, and lane correcting are all possible through AI.

Plus, Companies like Qualcomm are already developing self-driving cars, which rely heavily on AI and have the potential to revolutionize transportation in the future.

10. Online banking

If you, like most people, do much of your banking online, you’re using AI with each transaction.

AI algorithms learn your spending habits, location, and more, allowing them to detect and flag potentially fraudulent charges. When there’s a transaction that’s higher than your typical spends or made from a foreign country, AI recognizes the inconsistencies and halts the charge. If we had to rely on human analysts for every verification, the process would take far longer, potentially costing us money.

Along with protecting your financial information and funds from unauthorized access, AI also supports banking institutions as a whole. With the majority of banking now digitized, cybersecurity is more vital than ever. Hackers are continually looking for new ways to crack financial systems, but AI is fast and proactive about continuously monitoring for any suspicious activities, preventing breaches that jeopardize account holders across the world.

With AI-powered online banking, you can confidently manage your finances and conduct transactions securely from the comfort of your home.

Harness generative writing and beyond

As you can see, AI is intertwined with much of what we do. Generative writing may be the hottest use case right now, but it’s important to realize that AI isn’t new — nor should it be feared.

The examples above prove how useful AI truly is when it comes to creativity, productivity, and safety. Generative AI is the next evolution and one that should be welcomed, just as we’ve already embraced — and benefited from — AI in other areas.

Whether you’re writing a new piece for your blog, browsing social media on your lunch break, or following your GPS to a new vacation spot, remember AI is right there with you every step of the way.

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