Beyond ChatGPT Is Prompt Engineering a Passing Fad

Beyond ChatGPT: Is Prompt Engineering a Passing Fad?

There may not be a hotter topic in the world of AI right now than the idea of Prompt Engineering. You can’t scroll through any social media platform without finding someone claiming to be a ChatGPT prompt expert. Luckily for you, they’re willing to sell you their massive list of life-changing ChatGPT prompts. And it’s not just random Twitter bros; Prompt Engineer is even a new role at many companies and it pays pretty well by the way.

But here is my hot take. Interacting directly with an AI using prompts is a fad. As a tool for the general population, AI is still fairly new, and chat interfaces are a natural starting point. Interacting with AI in a chat style to get your intended results is simply an early iteration of what the future holds. The future is not more chat AI, it’s less. A lot less.

The Fad of the Prompt Engineer

ChatGPT prompt experts are the newest version of an age-old profession: snake oil salesman. They’re everywhere, and they want you to believe that their prompts are the key to unlocking the AI revolution. You’ve probably seen the ads for the “ultimate ChatGPT prompt list” that promises to revolutionize the way you interact with AI. But the truth is, directly using prompts to interact with AI is a temporary phase, a stepping stone to the next level of AI integration.

Regardless, Prompt Engineering is a well-paying role. Many companies are scrambling to find individuals with the “special sauce” that they believe will help them take AI to the next level. The problem, however, is that using a chat interface for everything is clunky. Especially when we’re talking about integrating with other pieces of software that businesses use everyday. Being forced to describe what you’re trying to do rather than just doing isn’t always the best user experience.

The future of AI is not about crafting the perfect prompts to get the desired results. Instead, it’s about the seamless integration of AI into the tools and apps we already use. So, the Prompt Engineer’s days may be numbered as the AI landscape is rapidly evolving.

The Evolution of AI Interaction

Chat-style AI is just the tip of the iceberg. While it may seem revolutionary now, it’s merely an early iteration of what the future holds. It’s a starting point, but the real magic is yet to come, and it’s about AI becoming an integral part of our lives, embedded in the tools we use daily, making our lives more efficient and productive. The next phase of AI development is moving towards less chat AI, and it’s not just because we’re all tired of chatting with bots. 

The chat-style AI is like the early days of the internet when we used dial-up modems and were browsing with Netscape. We’re obviously still using web browsers, but we’ve had to say goodbye to Netscape Navigator (Goodnight, sweet prince). Although we still use browsers, much of what we consume on the internet comes to us through non-browser apps. In fact, most of us spend more time using the internet from our phone than from a computer.

Many apps have already begun using AI, especially within their backend or technical layer. More still are using AI to analyze their internal data for better decision making. AI’s usefulness will become increasingly user-facing. Just as most of our interactions with the internet evolved beyond just using a web browser, our interactions with AI will evolve beyond simple chat interfaces.

AI Integration in Single Purpose Apps

The future of AI is not a one-size-fits-all tool that does everything. It’s about AI being integrated into the single-purpose apps we already know and love. Prompts will still be a thing, but they won’t be user-facing. Instead, these tools will provide expertly crafted inputs to help you do the thing you use their tool to accomplish.

Imagine a world where AI is integrated into your favorite writing app, making suggestions and corrections in real-time. Or, AI in your calendar app, intelligently suggesting the best times for meetings, considering the preferences of all the participants. 

Another example is from the world of video games; imagine a video game rpg in which all the non-player characters are written by AI. Each interaction could be completely unique for every player. Every play through could be a completely different experience.

The possibilities are endless, and the AI revolution is just getting started.

The Future of AI in Everyday Life

The future is not AI as a tool. It’s AI in everything. The ChatGPT and other chat-style interfaces are here for a little while, but they will be replaced by tools better suited for specific jobs. AI will become an integral part of our lives, embedded in the tools and apps we use daily, making our lives more efficient and productive.

The possibilities are endless. AI can help us solve complex problems, make better decisions, and even save lives. From healthcare to finance, education to entertainment, AI will transform the way we live, work, and play. So, let’s embrace the future of AI, and bid farewell to the chat-style interfaces and the hype around Prompt Engineering. The real AI revolution is just beginning, and it’s going to be amazing.

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