Weekly News Round-Up For July 26th, 2023

Weekly News Round-Up For July 26, 2023

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To Infinity and Beyond: SHOW-1 and Showrunner Agents in Multi-Agent Simulations

It was only last week that I gave my answer to the question, “Is Artificial Intelligence Beneficial or Harmful for Society?” In it, I briefly mentioned the writer’s strike and some concerns with AI. Now I’ve come across a project from Fable Studios.

They have been experimenting with AI in the complete show production process. They trained the AI on South Park to show the possibilities and created an entire 20-minute episode. The potential is incredible, but the implications are also scary.

Check out Fable Studios’ project »

Apple Tests ‘Apple GPT,’ Develops Generative AI Tools to Catch OpenAI

Bloomberg recently wrote an article saying that Apple was getting into the AI game to compete with the likes of OpenAI, Google, and others. Even though they don’t talk about it or advertise AI explicitly, Apple has been in the AI space for a long time. A lot of what your iPhone is capable of is because of AI.

Bloomberg means that they think Apple is getting into the AI chat space. This may be true, but you’d be wrong if you think it started or stops there. Apple has the most significant advantage in implementing the personalized and integrated AI we’ve discussed here at Quillbee.

Read the article from Bloomberg »

Custom instructions for ChatGPT

At the end of last week, OpenAI released a new beta feature to Pro ChatGPT customers called Custom Instructions. It’s a crude solution to a common problem. Whenever you start a new chat with ChatGPT, you likely have some information or context you would like to drive the conversation.

The process can be tedious if you do a bunch of these over and over. This is where Custom Instructions come in. With them, you can provide context and even output instructions so that each subsequent chat will have that context and use it when responding.

It’s an inflexible solution to the problem, but it shows they are listening to users’ feedback, and it wouldn’t take long for a feature like this to transform into something more like custom, saved prompts that can be called upon at will.

Learn about custom instructions »

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