AI in Business Quillbee Expert Commentary August 16 2023

The Significant Impact of AI Across Various Industries

A recent survey conducted by McKinsey on the State of AI in 2023 was just released. The survey was conducted online in mid-April of this year and includes 1,684 participants representing a full range of the existing workforce.

Some numbers that stood out to me were 79% of respondents said they had exposure to gen AI, and three-quarters said they “expect gen AI to cause significant or disruptive change in the nature of their industry’s competition in the next three years.” Contrast that with the only 22% who said they are regularly using AI in their own work, and there seems to be a pretty significant disconnect between knowledge of and practical application of AI in our work today.

Even with that disconnect, it’s clear that AI is having a more significant impact in some industries than others. Most commonly, you will see greater adoption of AI in marketing, product development, and customer service, while some other jobs and roles will take much longer for AI to disrupt.

What I think both of the links above reveal is that most people don’t appreciate just how fast AI is moving and the impact it’s going to have. If they did, I think we would be seeing some different attitudes and adoption. Maybe you are one of those people; in that case, I would highly recommend you check out this Atlantic article entitled, “Does Sam Altman Know What He’s Creating.” It will give you greater insight into how far things have already gone, how fast they’re moving, and the potential benefits and risks the CEO of OpenAI is considering.

Whether you are ready for it or not, AI is changing the business landscape. The more prominent enterprise players have had a head start and have been implementing AI for a while now. Seemingly the majority of startups are doing so with a heavy focus on AI, if not in totality, at least in part. So the question really goes to all of us small businesses caught in the middle. Are we going to stand here with our hands in our pockets or are we going to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty with AI? I know I am, but if you’re still on the fence, here are some tools you can use to get started. And of course, you can always use Quillbee to help you with all your writing needs.

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