AI in Tech Quillbee Expert Commentary Sep 132023

The Latest Highlights in AI and Tech

The innovations we’re seeing week after week are truly shaping the future of how we interact with machines, program software, and conduct business. Here are some of the latest highlights in AI and tech that you shouldn’t miss.

This week Anthropic, the makers of the Claude LLM, have given some excellent tips and tricks in prompting their AI model more effectively. One of the more interesting things to come out of that video is the advent of XML tags to help structure data in a way that the model can understand, giving developers and prompters alike a way to help AI understand a task better and potentially output more structured results as well.

Several new projects are making waves in the developer community as useful tools to take LLMs to the next level. Open Interpreter is a toolset similar to OpenAI’s Code Interpreter but is built to be local to your machine and is able to interface with lots of MacOS’s system applications like terminal, browsers, system messages, and more. The project has fewer limitations on the length of tasks, timeouts, and more than the Code Interpreter from OpenAI.

On the coding side of new projects, DevOpsGPT is making a splash as a way to handle coding tasks, requirement generation, and more. While still in the early stages, it allows developers to automate basic code generation and validate the code it writes. While it is an extremely interesting project, it’s not without drawbacks including the potential to introduce vulnerabilities into a code base and not being as creative as a human developer in solving novel problems.

The future of AI and technology is incredibly exciting, and these developments represent just a few of the steps forward in the industry. As the boundaries of what AI can accomplish continue to expand, so too will the opportunities for all of us to learn, grow, and innovate.

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