AI in Education Quillbee Expert Commentary August 30 2023.png

Navigate the AI Landscape Confidently

OpenAI has rolled out fine-tuning capabilities for its GPT-3.5 Turbo, with GPT-4 soon to follow. What does this mean for you? Customizable performance, better steerability, and cost savings, just to name a few! With this game-changer, a fine-tuned GPT-3.5 Turbo can even outperform the base GPT-4 in certain tasks. Learn more about these jaw-dropping improvements.

Feeling lost in the sea of AI terminologies? This comprehensive guide uses relatable analogies to simplify the complexities of AI, ML, DL, and Neural Networks. Discover the intricate relationships among these technologies and how each builds upon the other. From the broad realm of AI to the specialized field of Neural Networks, this article gives you the framework to navigate the AI landscape confidently.

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