AI Tools Quillbee Expert Commentary Sept 27 2023

Meet Microsoft’s Slick New Mate: Designer

Yo, my fellow content buffs! Remember all the chat about Microsoft dipping its toes in the design realm? Well, it’s out and loud, baby – it’s called Designer! Think of it like Canva’s snazzy cousin from the Microsoft family. 🎨✨

What’s The Scoop on Designer?

Alright, here’s the 411. The brainiacs at Microsoft thought, “Why not craft a tool that’s all about making graphic design a breeze?” And bam! Designer was born. Imagine crafting all your graphics, but with a genius AI wingman by your side. That’s what you get with Designer. It’s fresh, it’s hip, and guess what? It’s baked right into Microsoft Edge.

Too Many Ideas, Too Little Time? Designer’s Here for Ya!

C’mon, we’ve all been there. Drowning in a sea of content ideas but struggling with the design bit. Microsoft saw our little flares and went, “Hey, let’s drop a lifesaver.” And thus, Designer floated our way.

How’s Designer Gonna Jazz Up Your Day?

See, Designer is like your cool, artsy friend who just gets your vibe. Feed it your ideas, and it’ll dance out designs like you wouldn’t believe. Here’s the dope stuff you can do:

  • Snap to It: Pick a template, be it for blogs, ads, or those snazzy Insta posts. Designer’s got you.
  •  Your Vision, Their Magic: Describe your dream design. The AI cranks it out. Mind. Blown. 
  • Personal Flair: Spruce it up! Colors, fonts, animations. You dream it, Designer crafts it.

Plus, it’s got this rad feature of suggesting punchy captions. It’s like having a witty pal whispering sweet somethings in your ear.

Trust and Tweak!

Microsoft’s all about that trust. Your designs stay with you, no sneaky peeks. And guess what? They’re super stoked to hear your thoughts and make Designer even radder.

Ready to Jam with Designer?

Feeling the rhythm? Dive deep into Designer. Who knows, it might just be the groove you were missing. So, gear up! With Designer, Microsoft’s not just handing a tool, but a backstage pass to the design party of the year. Let’s rock and roll! 🚀🎨🖌️

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