AI Business Quillbee Expert Commentary Nov 1 2023

Integrating AI Training Across Organizations

I found an interesting report from EdX on “Navigating the Workplace in the Age of AI” that I recommend reading. It highlights a few key areas surrounding AI skills that are vital for small business leaders and executives alike.

First, the report states that 87% of executives need help finding talent with AI skills. If you’re in a leadership position, now’s the time to upskill your team in AI. It’s not just about filling a skills gap; it’s about employee retention and job satisfaction.

Also noteworthy is that 56% of entry-level roles could be eliminated due to AI automation in the next five years. As leaders, we need to identify which tasks can be automated and how to restructure roles to focus on uniquely human skills. There’s a necessity here to create new positions that AI cannot easily replace.

Similarly, 81% of executives feel an urgency to learn AI skills. This is less of a suggestion and more of a mandate. If you want to lead your company effectively into an AI-driven future, you must make learning AI a priority for yourself.

Employee retention is another significant issue. 39% of employees will likely quit if their job lacks good learning opportunities. To address this, consider investing in continuous learning programs like online courses.

Finally, 72% of executives believe that companies should increase their investment in AI-focused learning and development. This shows broad consensus on the value of AI training at the executive level.

To sum up, the key is for leaders to integrate AI training across their organization proactively. Since employees are generally keen on learning these skills, offering AI education could be the differentiator in your employee engagement and retention strategy.

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