AI Tools - January 31, 2024

AI Tools – January 31, 2024

At the OpenAI Dev Day conference last November, OpenAI made a major announcement: Access to create personal GPT chatbots was officially launched. This rendered third-party ChatGPT plugins obsolete and opened the door for anyone to build their own intelligent agents. However, shortly after this revelation, one of the key players responsible for the project, Sam, was unexpectedly removed from the team ( IYKYN ). While concerning initially, he has since been reinstated and the personal chatbot plans are here.

So, what’s the big deal with these chatbots? Imagine being able to create your own digital pal, like a language tutor, therapist, or even a business guru, and you don’t need to know a single line of code. You just toss in some documents or chat logs, and bam, your chatbot starts picking up on things.

I got curious and made my own chatbot, “Dunning Kruger,” a kind of virtual therapist. After feeding it some psychology stuff and chatting a bit, it was surprisingly on point with its advice. Even my mom got interested, asking if there were any ready-made chatbots for mental health talks. While that’s not a thing yet, making Dunning Kruger got me pumped about what’s possible.

Seriously, getting your own chatbot buddy up and running is a breeze. Just sign up with OpenAI, find the “Explore GPTs” section, hit “Create,” and follow the steps. In about 10 minutes, you’ll be having a chat with your new creation.

Now, with everyone and their grandma making custom chatbots, big tech companies are scrambling. Why stick with Alexa or Siri when you can make something that’s just right for you? This whole move to personal chatbots is shaking things up big time.

Here’s the kicker: AI chatbots and assistants are a game-changer because they’re making tech easy and accessible for all of us. It’s not just for the tech-savvy anymore. If you can read, you’re all set. We’ve done the hard part of building this AI; now it’s time to use it to boost what makes us human.

Creating these chatbots isn’t just about having a cool tool; it’s about opening up a world where technology helps us do our thing better, making our lives a bit easier and a lot more interesting. It’s pretty exciting to think about how this will change things for us in the long run.

So yeah, the era of personal GPT chatbots is here, and it’s going to be a wild ride. It’s all about making technology work for you in a personal way, and I’m here for it. Let’s see where this journey takes us!

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