AI in Education - December 13, 2023

AI in Education – December 13, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the educational landscape, offering innovative approaches to teaching and learning. A BBC report discusses how AI is assisting teachers in managing routine tasks, thus enabling them to concentrate on more meaningful educational activities. The article highlights instances like Ben Merritt using AI to create customized educational materials, emphasizing the importance of scrutinizing AI-generated content for accuracy and bias.

The University of Maryland’s VCAI initiative is at the forefront of integrating AI with ethical and human values in various fields, including education. Jing Liu stresses the significance of AI in enhancing educational experiences, advocating for a supportive role for AI in classrooms that respects the central role of human interaction in learning.

At the University of Delaware, the focus is on developing AI-driven teaching strategies. Their AI for Teaching and Learning Working Group is creating guidelines for pedagogy and curriculum development in response to AI advancements. The group emphasizes AI literacy among faculty and staff, recognizing AI as a powerful tool that could revolutionize conventional educational practices.

Stillman College, with its significant grant from the Mozilla Foundation, is pioneering AI education among Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). This initiative aims to prepare students for the workforce in an era of emerging technology and to influence the development of AI governance. Dr. Fallon Wilson’s leadership in this project highlights the college’s commitment to responsible and transparent AI, aligning with broader societal and technological concerns.

Further Reading:

  1. UVA Futures Initiative on AI and Higher Education – The U.Va. Futures Initiative is a program designed to analyze and advise on the impact of emerging technologies like generative AI in higher education, led by administrators from various university schools. – The Cavalier Daily
  2. Virginia Tech Students and AI – This article explores how Virginia Tech students are currently using AI technologies in their education and daily lives, reflecting on the evolving role of AI in academic settings. – Roanoke Times

UTSA’s New Direction in Data Science and AI – Professor Adel Alaeddini is appointed as the associate director for academic programs at the UTSA School of Data Science, focusing on developing strategies for data science, AI, and machine learning programs to meet workforce demands and ensure quality and scalability. – UTSA Today

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