AI In Business Quillbee Expert Commentary August 2 2023

AI in Business – Movement in the AI Space

Llama 2 and the Pace of AI

As a business owner, all the movement in the AI space is extremely exciting. But there are some people unclear just how big this space is. Business Insider recently released an article announcing the end of OpenAI’s ChatGPT moat. They were referring to the recent release of the AI model Llama 2 by Meta. 

The idea that OpenAI had a moat is ridiculous, and Llama 2 is hardly the only contender in the fight for AI dominance. What about Claude 2 from Anthropic or Bard from Google? That’s not even mentioning the dozens of other models being developed and released commercially and open source. OpenAI didn’t have a moat, they had a first-mover advantage. But in a market moving as fast as AI, that might not have the expected impact.

First-Mover or Slow-Starter

Many people put a lot of stock in the first-mover advantage, but the people I’m watching are the slow-starters. You might ask, “Where is Apple in the AI conversation?” I would argue that Apple has been in the AI conversation long before the advent of ChatGPT. Apple is an AI company, and I think they have the biggest advantage in making AI a household tool. 

And then there is Elon Musk. Love him or hate him; you can’t ignore that he is behind some of the biggest plays in technology. As one of the initial people behind the creation of OpenAI and being vocal about his dislike of their direction, he will be a force in AI. His recent rebranding of Twitter into X is a part of his long game in the AI space you should keep an eye on.

Competition to Collaboration

While there is plenty of competition in AI, it’s also nice to see some collaboration too. OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, and Microsoft, in a joint announcement, unveiled that they are starting something called the Frontier Model Forum. It’s a new industry body focused on “ensuring safe and responsible development of frontier AI models.”

I did find it curious that Meta was absent from that list, but my hope is that many more organizations will participate over time.

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