Weekly News Round-Up For July 19th, 2023

Weekly News Round-Up For July 19, 2023

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Study by MIT finds ChatGPT boosts worker productivity for some writing tasks

I just came across an exciting study conducted by MIT researchers that offers significant insights into the transformative power of AI on productivity. The research showed that the use of AI chatbot, ChatGPT, resulted in a 40% reduction in task completion time and an impressive 18% rise in output quality for workers in fields like writing cover letters, drafting emails, and cost-benefit analyses. Importantly… 

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The ChatGPT Code Interpreter Is Finally Open. How Exactly Does It Work? Here’s A Tutorial

What an exciting time it is to be alive, my friends! OpenAI has officially launched the Code Interpreter for all ChatGPT Plus users. Now, this isn’t just your ordinary update. This tool, once locked away in the secret vaults of a closed beta, is now accessible to all, ready to assist you in data analysis, creating charts, performing complex calculations, and much more. Check out this great overview…

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Claude 2: A next-generation AI assistant for your tasks

Anthropic announced last week the release of Claude 2, their upgraded AI model known for its improved performance, extended responses, and enhanced accessibility via API and a public-facing beta site. Claude 2 shines with stellar scores on the Bar exam, GRE tests, and even Python coding tests, positioning it as a high-performing digital colleague. Its impressive capabilities…

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Generative AI imagines new protein structures

Just read up on this super cool breakthrough by MIT researchers. They’ve developed a tool called “FrameDiff” that uses machine learning to create new protein structures, the kind of stuff beyond what nature itself can make. It’s like accelerating what nature takes millions of years to do. The technology is like a super-smart weaver of biology, and it could help us create more effective…

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